Курс доллара:

44160 + 1022 / GN12 BAROQUE N / A 12 SUBJECTS

44160/ГН12 Барокко н-р 12 предметов (бокал 44160 + стопка 1022) с напылением и гравировкой  VIP Увеличить изображение

44160+1022/ГН12 "БАРОККО"

Новый товар


"Fabulously beautiful and truly tempting, a set of 12 glassware glassware will not leave anyone indifferent. Exquisite and unique genre of engraving, European culture of the style "Baroque", gives this set a wonderful appearance.
Such dishes with engraving goose-crystal consists of 6 elegant glasses and 6 elegant piles, which can easily fit behind any bar counter, and will undoubtedly become an ornament of various festive tables. Our dishes with a spraying in bulk, this is an excellent source of getting a good profit. Low price and high quality products, of course, you will only be pleased!